Living the Dream

A journey of a remarkably fearless, resilient, and striking woman.

Living The Dream

“Living The Dream” is the journey of a remarkably fearless, resilient, and striking woman. It is an electric portrayal of Bette, a young mother left alone to navigate circumstances unheard of in that era, to carve a beautiful direction for her young family of five. Choosing to survive against all odds, Bette’s journey emblazons the meaning of motherhood and womanhood deep in the hearts of readers. “Living The Dream”, told without a grain of self-pity, is a memoir of redemption that leaves behind a fierce and beautiful message, not only for women but for all families.

The story of

Bette Ursini

Bette Ursini, a dedicated parent to five children, has been actively involved in the real estate industry for over five decades. With a remarkable career spanning half a century, she now proudly holds the prestigious Hall of Fame awards at REMAX Condos Plus.

Her journey has been akin to a rollercoaster ride, navigating through challenges such as divorce, bankruptcy, and even battling cancer. Yet, Bette has triumphed over adversity time and again.

Residing in Toronto, she continues to embody resilience and perseverance in both her personal and professional life.

Follow Your Own Rules

17 Fun Things about Bette

1. She went skydiving at the age of 85.

2. She rode a camel across the Moroccan desert at the age of 90.

3. She has skied all across Canada from coast to coast, plus in the US and Europe.

4. She jumped in the hot tub on Mother's Day with all her clothes on.

5. She took pole dancing and lap dancing lessons.

6. She loves to laugh.

7. She has smoked Hookah.

8. She does Tai Chi, Qui gong, and Yoga.

9. She follows Shambhala Buddhism in Toronto and online in Cuenca Ecuador.

10. She loves people who are off-the-wall crazy and who step out of the box.

11. She loves to dance and took Hip Hop lessons at the age of 86. Her favorite dance song is Jerusalama.

12. Her two favorite meals are either a burger and a Corona or lobster and a Cava.

13. She loves to travel to exotic countries, such as Tibet, Cambodia, Laos, India, Oman, Dubai, and Bhutan, and a Monestry in Japan. She climbed Machu Pichu at 80.

14. She loves to break rules that don’t make sense to her yet she does follow rules, “Her Rules.”

15. She loves to go against the grain. She is not a follower.

16. She practices preventative and alternative medicine as well as traditional medicine.

17. Bette has taken an endless number of self-help courses and she continues to do so – to name a few: Bob Proctor Bernie Segal, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Tony Robbins, Carolyn Myss, Eckhart Tolle, Robin Sharma, Marianne Williamson, Todd Perelmuter, Stephen Covey, Jay Shetty, Dr. Andrew Weil, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Wayne Dwyer, Stephen Covey, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, Louise Hay.

Bette Ursini